You can’t play a symphony alone. It takes an orchestra to play it.
June 2024:
Project With Folkwang Kammerorchester Essen (section leader), Germany
April 2024:
Project with Ensemble Schallfeld, Graz /Austria
August 2023-August 2024:
Academist at the Bühne Bern Symphony orchestra, Switzerland
November 2023:
Project with Forum Nove Glasbe Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mai 2023:
Section leader at the Orchestre trinational du Haut Rhin, Switzerland
November 2022:
Workshop project with Kammerorchester Basel, Switzerland
Since 2021/2022:
Projects with O/Modernt Chamber Orchestra, Sweden
Since 2021:
Member of Baltc Sea Philharmonic Orchestra, Germany
Season 2021/2022:
Regular substitute at the Norwegian Broadcasting Orchestra (Kringkastingsorkestret), Oslo, Norway.
Seasons 2018/2021:
Academist and a regular substitute since 2021 at Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss Chamber Orchestra, Germany
Member of Euphony Orchestra (season)
Substitute at Grazer Philharmoniker (season), Austria
Participant at Orchestral Academy Klanglabor, Germany